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The page provides the following links to basic Colorado information:

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(Click the Talk button ... beside the Edit icon at the top of the page.)

Wiki Basics
Researchers -- General Guidelines

When making requests of volunteers:

  • Make requests specific -- avoid being too general.
  • Make requests ONLY for the volunteer's specified research areas. (Do not ask for out-of-area requests.)
  • Never ask more than one volunteer for the same request.
  • Ask the volunteer what reimbursements they require: copies, gas, parking, etc.
  • Negotiate an estimated completion time ... Remember: volunteers are not "on the clock," may research for multiple people, and respond reasonably as their time permits.

Note: If no volunteer exists for an area, Follow the page, for alerts of page changes.

Help Files and FAQs
Info for Volunteers

NEW (and existing) volunteers, contact: the Wiki Admin with the following information:

  • State:
  • County:
  • Your "display" name: ("Suz-eQ" ... "Sue" ... "Susanna Smith," etc.)
  • Volunteer Services: (Describe your services -- i.e., tombstone photos, obituaries, public records lookups, etc.)
  • Reimbursements (if any) for: gas/mileage, copies, fees, postage, parking, etc.

Note: Always provide researcher with an estimated completion time.

EXISTING volunteers may also Update Your Volunteer Information yourself.)

Questions? Concerns? Leave a message on the Talk page or contact a Wiki Admin.
(Click the Talk button ... beside the Edit icon at the top of the page.)

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COLORADO Volunteers

The Volunteer table below provides a list of Colorado2 volunteers who will provide research assistance in the specified counties.

County Volunteer's Name Volunteer Services
Lake Bill Johansson

Are you looking for Swedes at Leadville, their associations, families and social life, old photos etc for the period of roughly 1875 - 1925? There is not much written about this group of people; however, I have done a huge amount of research and collected quite a lot of material. Feel free to contact me for exchange of information; I might have information about your ancestor(s).

Larimer FHLady Photograph tombstones and/or look up and copy obituaries/death notices.
Larimer MMoore I am willing to do obituary and news article lookups for Colorado in the Estes Valley (Estes Park, Allens Park, Pinewood Springs, Glen Haven). I will not charge to do lookups.
Pueblo Janet Hudgens 1) I will do headstone photos at Mt. View Cemetery only. Digital copies will be emailed.

2) I will scan 1-2 obits from microfilms of Pueblo Chieftain newspaper, and email them to you. No cost for this service; other requests will cost.

Weld Gary Thomas Obit lookups.

Find Volunteers in Colorado counties, starting with:
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