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This wiki page provides the following links to basic Iowa information:

Iowa counties, starting with:

A thru K   L thru Z    

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Researchers -- General Guidelines

When making requests of volunteers:

  • Make requests specific -- avoid being too general.
  • Make requests ONLY for the volunteer's specified research areas. (Do not ask for out-of-area requests.)
  • Never ask more than one volunteer for the same request.
  • Ask the volunteer what reimbursements they require: copies, gas, parking, etc.
  • Negotiate an estimated completion time ... Remember: volunteers are not "on the clock," may research for multiple people, and respond reasonably as their time permits.

Note: If no volunteer exists for an area, Follow the page, for alerts of page changes.

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Info for Volunteers

NEW (and existing) volunteers, contact: the Wiki Admin with the following information:

  • State:
  • County:
  • Your "display" name: ("Suz-eQ" ... "Sue" ... "Susanna Smith," etc.)
  • Volunteer Services: (Describe your services -- i.e., tombstone photos, obituaries, public records lookups, etc.)
  • Reimbursements (if any) for: gas/mileage, copies, fees, postage, parking, etc.

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IOWA Volunteers

The Volunteer table below provides a list of Iowa2 volunteers who will provide research assistance in the specified counties.

County Volunteer's Name Volunteer Services
Marshall Karen Ketchum I will gladly check for obits in Marshall County; birth, marriage, and death dates in Marshall County; all federal censuses through Ancestry. If you need something else I will "visit" with you to see what can be done.
Marshall Jerry Hale II have cemetery listings for five or six cemeteries in Marshall County, Iowa and have photographed every headstone in the Eden and Price Cemeteries at Rhodes.
Palo Alto Liz Maresh I will do lookups in History of Palo Alto County, Iowa by Dwight G. McCarty, originally published in 1910

It is also available online: History of Palo Alto County, Iowa

Pottawattamie Rebecca Versch Will do look-ups for obituaries and public records available at the Council Bluffs Public Library and will secure tombstone photos, as I am able.
Story Jerry Hale II have cemetery listings for five or six cemeteries in Marshall County, Iowa and have photographed every headstone in the Eden and Price Cemeteries at Rhodes.

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